TEDx Sedona: Stop Schools and Corporations from Killing Creativity

Everyone is born a creative problem solver. The challenge is to stop schools from killing creativity which is our only human advantage over robots and AI.” — Curtis Panasuk

Got Milk Ad for Creativity in Schools and Corporations

Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.” — Mark Twain

I repair the “schooling” damage by teaching creativity workshops (in corporations and schools) that restore out-of-the boxing thinking and creativity techniques  to make people better problem solvers.

My mission is to make creativity techniques household words that are familiar to everyone.

I want creativity to be a conversation topic at every family dinner, and in every corporate meeting with questions such as “what did you see or do today that was creative?”

Creative family having dinner

The “schooling” problem began when our education system was designed 150 years ago to train factory workers for the rapidly expanding industrial revolution, and since that time, it has been “rinse and repeat” as reading, writing and arithmetic are poured into our students’ brains.

Industrial Revolution

Most students are still told to line up, sit down, shut up and listen — they are taught to be like robots, and their creativity is stifled in the rush to pour data into their heads to prepare them for the standardized tests by which our schools are measured.

Boring SchoolSchools need to add classes in creativity techniques such as mind mapping, lateral thinking, brainstorming, attribute listing, and many more.

Our schools should be teaching reading, writing, arithmetic AND creativity techniques.

Mind Mapping Example

PS: Please start the video at 1:20 which is after my audience warmup.


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